Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan has filed a case against the Indian National Congress party for allegedly using his deep fake videos for promotional purposes. The video shows him promoting and endorsing the Congress party. The actor has taken legal action against the party with the help of the Mumbai police, and his team has also registered a complaint on the Mumbai police’s cyber cell portal.
The advertisement shows Aamir Khan targeting the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and criticizing their promises. Utilizing Artificial Intelligence, this video is hugely edited and includes few clips of his old show Satyamev Jayate.
The spokesperson for Aamir Khan has clarified that Aamir has never endorsed or promoted any political party in his career, and he is not associated with any political agenda. The spokesperson stated that this advertisement is hugely false and misleading. This advertisement distort the image of Mr. Khan. Having said that, Aamir will continue to work for social causes and for social upliftment through non-partisan platforms. He is clearly not associated with any political party and neither promotes their intentions. He also mentioned that Aamir and his team has taken a legal action against the party.
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