Violence erupted in West Bengal’s Murshidabad district on Wednesday during a Ram Navami procession, resulting in multiple injuries. The turmoil unfolded in the Shaktipur area as a group led a procession commemorating the Hindu festival.
Following the clashes, authorities swiftly enforced prohibitory orders under Section 144 in the vicinity.
Footage captured from the scene depicted individuals hurling stones from rooftops at the procession. Law enforcement was compelled to intervene, resorting to baton charges and tear gas dispersion to quell the unruly crowd. Police officials have confirmed that the situation has been brought under control, with reinforcements promptly dispatched to the area. Those injured in the skirmishes were promptly transported to Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital in Behrampore for medical attention.
The BJP’s Bengal chapter has levied allegations, contending that the procession was subjected to stone-pelting and rampant vandalism. Leader of the Opposition, Suvendu Adhikari, condemned the incident, asserting, “A peaceful Ram Navami procession, duly permitted by the Administration, was viciously attacked by miscreants in Saktipur; Beldanga – II Block; Murshidabad. Alarmingly, this time, Police purportedly sided with the assailants, resorting to tear gas shell firing on the devotees to prematurely disband the procession.”
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