The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for a severe heatwave across several northern and northwestern states, including Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, and Haryana, effective until May 28. This warning comes as temperatures are expected to soar, with Delhi likely to reach a maximum of 44 degrees Celsius on Saturday.
In addition to the heatwave alert, an orange alert has been issued for very heavy rainfall, ranging from 11 cm to 20 cm, in the Pathanamthitta, Kottayam, and Idukki districts.
The IMD has specifically issued red alerts for “severe heatwave” conditions in Delhi, most parts of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh until May 28. West Uttar Pradesh is also under a red alert for severe heatwave conditions from May 26 to May 28, while isolated pockets of west Madhya Pradesh are expected to experience severe heatwave conditions until May 26.
The heatwave in the national capital coincides with Phase 6 of the Lok Sabha elections on May 25, during which all seven parliamentary seats in Delhi will go to vote.
Tragically, authorities reported five deaths due to suspected heat stroke in Rajasthan on Thursday. Additionally, five peacocks were found dead in the Khairthal district.
IMD scientist Naresh Kumar informed news agency PTI that while temperatures have slightly decreased in the NCR-Delhi region over the past two days, the heat remains intense. “The temperature will still be around 43 to 44 degrees Celsius. People should take necessary precautions,” he advised.
In Rajasthan and Haryana, a red alert remains in place, while an orange alert has been issued for Punjab, indicating severe weather conditions in the coming days.
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