KKR won the IPL 2024 title in a thrilling match against Sunrisers Hyderabad on Sunday. KKR co-owner, Shahrukh Khan was seen celebrating with his family, friends, and team. Many Bollywood celebrities including Preity Zinta, and Ranveer Singh congratulated the team and the actor for their historic win. They congratulated KKR and its co-owner Shahrukh Khan on lifting the IPL trophy. Actor Kartik Aaryan also congratulated the team and Shahrukh on his Instagram stories. He wrote ” Congratulations to the champions” and tagged Shahrukh Khan.
Not only Bollywood celebrities, cricketers also showered their love and appreciation for the team and Shahrukh.KKR captain Shreyash Iyer tweeted, “Special mention to the heartbeat of this team @iamsrk! Thank you for all your words of inspiration and encouragement. Suresh Raina also congratulated the ‘Pathaan’ actor and the team for their glorious win in the IPL 2024. He tweeted, ” Congrats to the best team and deserving champion of #IPL2024@KKRiders. Well done @SunRisers for an exceptional season as well. @iamsrk bhai party pathan ke gar pe hai ya Chennai mein?” Yuvraj Singh took to X and congratulated Gautam Gambhir for his mentorship and guidance and praised Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan for his success in both films and cricket.
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