Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde paid a visit to Bollywood superstar Salman Khan at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai, on Tuesday. During the meeting, Shinde assured Khan of swift and decisive action following the recent firing incident outside the actor’s home on Sunday. Addressing the media after the discussion, Shinde emphasized the government’s unwavering support for Khan and pledged to enhance security measures for him and his family.
“I met with Salman Khan and conveyed the government’s solidarity with him. Immediate steps have been taken by the police, resulting in the apprehension of two suspects involved in the incident. In Maharashtra, we stand firm against any form of criminal activity. Rest assured, we will dismantle all criminal networks and prevent any further instances of lawlessness,” stated Shinde.
Our Government is committed to safeguarding the citizens, says Shinde
Furthermore, Shinde underscored the ongoing interrogation of the arrested individuals and assured that stringent measures would be implemented against them. Additionally, he directed the Police Commissioner to bolster security arrangements for Salman Khan and his family, emphasizing the government’s commitment to safeguarding its citizens. While refraining from commenting on past occurrences, Shinde reiterated the administration’s determination to eradicate criminal elements from the state and ensure the safety of its residents.
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