During a recent fashion show in Delhi, actor Sidharth Malhotra caught the public’s attention due to an unexpected interaction with model Alicia Kaur. As they walked the ramp for designers Shantanu and Nikhil, Alicia’s flirty behavior with Sidharth became a hot topic on social media. Her actions led to a flurry of comments from fans and speculation about how Sidharth’s wife, actress Kiara Advani, might react. Alicia has since addressed the situation with a playful apology on Instagram, adding a humorous twist to the unfolding drama.
At the fashion show, Sidharth Malhotra and Alicia Kaur walked the runway together, drawing significant attention due to their close physical interaction. Alicia, dressed in a shimmery silver gown, was seen pulling Sidharth close and striking flirty poses during their performance. This behavior led to a mix of reactions from fans, with many questioning whether the closeness was appropriate and speculating about Kiara Advani’s potential response. Alicia Kaur took to Instagram Stories to apologize to Kiara in a light-hearted manner. She posted a picture of herself holding Sidharth close with the caption “#sorrykiara,” and shared a meme suggesting a remake of a film with Sidharth. This move was intended to address the social media buzz and the curiosity surrounding the interaction. Fans had been vocal, with some expressing discomfort and others wondering how Kiara would feel about the situation. In addition to Alicia’s apology, Sidharth Malhotra shared a video from the show on his Instagram, highlighting the event’s retro theme and his interactions with other celebrities, including veteran actor Zeenat Aman and performer Saba Azad. The video included clips of Alicia Kaur’s interaction with him, which continued to attract attention online. Sidharth’s post received enthusiastic comments from fans, though some still debated the appropriateness of the runway moments. The fashion show incident involving Sidharth Malhotra and Alicia Kaur has sparked widespread discussion and speculation, especially regarding Kiara Advani’s reaction.
Alicia’s cheeky Instagram apology added a humorous touch to the situation, aiming to diffuse the tension and address public curiosity. As Sidharth continues to navigate his career and public appearances, the event highlights the intense scrutiny faced by celebrities and the impact of social media on personal and professional interactions. The show also served as a reminder of the intricate balance between public perception and personal relationships in the world of fame.
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