On August 15, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a memorable Independence Day address from the historic Red Fort in Delhi. Marking a significant moment in his tenure, Modi’s speech not only reflected on India’s progress and challenges but also set the tone for future national priorities. As the nation celebrated its freedom, the Prime Minister’s comprehensive 98-minute speech captured a broad spectrum of issues, ranging from domestic reforms to international relations, underscoring his administration’s vision for India’s future.
Prime Minister Modi’s Independence Day speech was notably extensive, lasting almost 98 minutes, the longest of his tenure. This year, Modi’s address was marked by a strong emphasis on national unity and reform. He advocated for the implementation of ‘one nation, one election,’ calling upon political parties to support this transformative idea. Additionally, Modi highlighted the need for a “secular civil code,” arguing that the current laws are discriminatory and need revision to reflect modern secular values.The Prime Minister also took the opportunity to express deep gratitude towards India’s freedom fighters. He reiterated the nation’s ongoing debt to those who sacrificed their lives for India’s independence, urging citizens to honor their legacy by contributing to the country’s development. Modi’s speech also addressed the pressing issue of natural disasters, which have become increasingly frequent and concerning for the populace. He acknowledged the growing anxieties surrounding these calamities and called for greater preparedness and resilience.In addition to domestic concerns, Modi spoke about the unrest in neighboring Bangladesh. He expressed solidarity with the people of Bangladesh, hoping for a swift return to normalcy in the violence-affected regions. Modi conveyed India’s commitment to peace and development in the region, reflecting the nation’s supportive stance towards its neighbors.The speech was a reflection of Modi’s comprehensive approach to governance, touching upon both internal reforms and international relations. His extensive address stands in contrast to previous years, where the duration of Independence Day speeches varied significantly among past Prime Ministers.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Independence Day speech in 2024 was a significant occasion, reflecting both the depth and breadth of his administration’s priorities. By addressing a wide range of issues—from the need for legal reforms to concerns about international stability—Modi provided a detailed vision for India’s future. His extended address, spanning 98 minutes, underscored his commitment to both national and global concerns, setting a high bar for future Independence Day speeches. The speech was a testament to Modi’s emphasis on addressing pressing national issues while reaffirming India’s dedication to progress and peace.
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