Hardik Pandya, the captain of Mumbai Indians, has been fined Rs 24 lakh following his team’s second violation of the slow over-rate offence in the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) season. The penalty comes in the wake of Mumbai Indians’ recent match against Lucknow Super Giants, in which they were defeated by four wickets at the Ekana Stadium.
The IPL authorities released a statement confirming Pandya’s fine, stating, “Mr. Hardik Pandya, Captain, Mumbai Indians, has been fined after his team maintained a slow over-rate during Match 48 of the TATA Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 against Lucknow Super Giants on April 30, 2024.” This marks Mumbai Indians’ second offence of the season under the IPL’s Code of Conduct regarding minimum over-rate violations.
In addition to Pandya’s hefty fine, all other members of the Mumbai Indians’ Playing XI, including the Impact Player, have also been penalized. Each player has been individually fined either Rs 6 lakh or 25 per cent of their respective match fees, depending on whichever amount is lesser.
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