Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma recently highlighted Amitabh Bachchan’s remarkable career resurgence by sharing a vintage magazine cover from 1990 that prematurely declared the megastar’s career over. Varma, known for his cheeky social media presence, took to X (formerly Twitter) to post the cover of the now-defunct Illustrated Weekly magazine, which featured a headline stating “FINISHED!” alongside a photo of Bachchan. This move has sparked discussion about Bachchan’s enduring success and Varma’s evolving public stance on the actor.
Ram Gopal Varma’s social media post drew attention to a magazine cover from 1990 that declared Amitabh Bachchan’s career “finished.” The cover showed Bachchan in a beige outfit with the dramatic headline, and Varma used this throwback to celebrate Bachchan’s continued success over the decades. In his caption, Varma contrasted the magazine’s prediction with the current state of Bachchan’s career, noting that while the magazine is no longer in circulation, Bachchan’s career is thriving. The 1990 cover came at a time when Bachchan’s career faced a significant slump following a string of flops and a declining public image. Despite the negative forecast, Bachchan’s comeback in the new millennium with projects like *Kaun Banega Crorepati* and *Mohabbatein* revitalized his career, establishing him as a dominant figure in Indian cinema. His recent film *Kalki 2898 AD* has earned over ₹1,000 crore, further underscoring his enduring appeal. Varma’s post was met with surprise by many, considering his previous criticism of Bachchan’s work. In 2011, Varma had publicly criticized Bachchan for his role in *Bbuddah Hoga Terra Baap*. However, this latest acknowledgment of Bachchan’s success received positive reactions from fans and commentators, who praised Bachchan’s discipline and dedication.
Ram Gopal Varma’s recent social media post, featuring a 1990 magazine cover that prematurely declared Amitabh Bachchan’s career over, underscores the actor’s extraordinary resurgence in the film industry. Despite the initial setback and critical periods in his career, Bachchan’s sustained success and influence in cinema have proven the magazine’s prediction to be unfounded. Varma’s reflection on this moment serves as a testament to Bachchan’s remarkable resilience and continued relevance, illustrating a career that has defied the odds and thrived beyond expectations.
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