This year, Ram Navami will be celebrated on Wednesday, 17th April. Ram Navami symbolizes the birth anniversary of Lord Rama. This auspicious day is celebrated as a victory of good over evil. The Festival of Ram Navami brings positivity, prosperity, and hope for all of us!
On the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, share beautiful wishes with your friends and family and make them feel positive and serene. We are sharing some of the positive quotes you can share with your loved ones!
1) Wishing you and your family a very joyous and prosperous Ram Navami. May Lord Rama bless you all!
2) Happy Ram Navami to you and your loved ones! May you be blessed with good health and happiness.
3) On this auspicious occasion of Rama Navami, may Lord Rama bless you with success, happiness, and peace.
4) May the spirit of this festival remind you of the triumph of goodness over evil. Happy Ram Navami
5) Just like this festival, your life gets showered with lots of blessings and happiness! Wishing you a very happy Ram Nanami.
6) May the almighty bless you and your loved ones with health, happiness and contentment.
7) Shubh Ram Navami! May the divine grace of Lord Ram be showered upon you.
8) May each day of your life be illuminated with the blessings of Ram Navami. Wishing you and your family a very prosperous Ram Navami.
9) May this Ram Navami bring lots of prosperity and serenity into our lives and fill our hearts and homes with health and happiness.
10) The greatest formula that can cleanse and elevate us is the name of Lord Rama! Shubh Ram Navami to you and your family!
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