A new photo from the sets of Rohit Shetty’s *Singham Again* is causing a buzz online. The picture, which features lead actor Ajay Devgn with Jackie Shroff, has been widely shared by fan pages on X (formerly known as Twitter). The caption accompanying the post read, “New pic of Ajay Devgn and Jackie Shroff has been leaked from the sets of Singham Again. In cinemas 15th November 2024.”
Last year, the makers released Ajay Devgn’s first look from the film, which showed his face alongside a roaring lion. The poster highlighted Ajay’s intense gaze, and he captioned it, “He is mighty, he is power, he is danger. He is strength. Singham will roar again – Singham Again.”
Rohit Shetty’s cop universe continues to expand with *Singham Again*. The 2021 film *Sooryavanshi* was the fourth installment in this universe. In 2018’s *Simmba*, Ranveer Singh played a police officer, while Ajay Devgn starred in the *Singham* series. Akshay Kumar’s character, Veer Suryavanshi, an Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) officer, was introduced in a cameo role in *Simmba* and became the lead in *Sooryavanshi*.
*Singham Again* will also feature Deepika Padukone, Tiger Shroff, and Kareena Kapoor, along with other stars from Rohit Shetty’s cop universe. The film is set to hit theaters on November 15, 2024.
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