Kodam Pranay Kumar, a YouTuber from Telangana, faces legal trouble after posting a video demonstrating how to prepare ‘peacock curry.’ The video, which was intended to boost views for his channel, led to widespread outrage and legal action. The incident occurred in Rajanna Sircilla district, where forest officials discovered the curry at Kumar’s residence and have since initiated an investigation. Kumar’s actions have prompted charges under the Wildlife Protection Act due to the promotion of a protected species.
Kodam Pranay Kumar’s controversial video drew significant attention and backlash, leading to an immediate response from local authorities. Forest officials recovered the peacock curry from Kumar’s home and sent samples for forensic analysis to determine if it contained actual peacock meat. Following the public outcry, Kumar was detained, and the video was promptly removed by the broadcasting company. The YouTuber is now facing charges under the Wildlife Protection Act for his involvement in promoting the killing of the Indian peacock, a protected species and the national bird of India. The local forest department and police have taken rigorous steps in response to the incident. Blood samples from Kumar and the curry have been sent for lab testing to confirm the presence of peacock meat. The authorities have committed to enforcing strict penalties if the tests corroborate the use of protected wildlife. This case underscores the serious legal repercussions for violations related to wildlife protection and the importance of safeguarding India’s national bird.
Kodam Pranay Kumar’s attempt to gain YouTube views through a provocative video on ‘peacock curry’ has led to significant legal and ethical issues. The reaction from forest officials and the subsequent charges highlight the seriousness with which wildlife protection laws are enforced. As the forensic analysis proceeds, the case serves as a reminder of the legal responsibilities associated with wildlife conservation and the potential consequences of exploiting protected species for online content. The outcome of this case will likely reinforce the importance of adhering to wildlife protection regulations and respecting national symbols like the Indian peacock.
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