Amidst the heat of the Lok Sabha elections, the Congress party faced a significant setback with its candidate from the Indore constituency, Akshay Bam, withdrawing from the race and crossing over to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The sudden turn of events unfolded just days before the crucial polls in the constituency, leaving political analysts surprised. Accompanied by BJP MLA Ramesh Mendola, Mr. Bam made a notable appearance at the Collector’s office to formally retract his candidacy, signaling a shift in his political allegiance. Congress had strategically fielded Mr. Bam to challenge the incumbent BJP MP of Indore, Shankar Lalwani, in what was expected to be a closely contested electoral battle. However, Mr. Bam’s unexpected decision to join the BJP has added a new dimension to the electoral dynamics in the constituency.
With voting for the Indore parliamentary constituency scheduled in the fourth phase of the ongoing elections on May 13, this development has stirred anticipation and speculation among political circles. Senior BJP leader and state cabinet minister Kailash Vijayvargiya extended a warm welcome to Mr. Bam, underscoring the significance of his defection in the political landscape.
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