The scheduled visit of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife, Sunita Kejriwal, to Tihar Jail on Monday has been denied by the jail authorities, according to claims made by Mr. Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party. Sources familiar with the matter revealed that the refusal was based on the visit of Delhi Minister Atishi, who is scheduled to meet the Chief Minister on the same day. Additionally, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is slated to visit Mr. Kejriwal on Tuesday, further complicating the visitation schedule.
Jail regulations stipulate that only two individuals may visit an inmate at a time. During Mr. Mann’s previous visit to Tihar Jail on April 15, he was accompanied by AAP’s Organisation General Secretary, Sandeep Pathak.
Moreover, jail rules dictate that only two visits are allowed per week. Therefore, if Atishi meets Arvind Kejriwal on Monday and Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday, no further visits with Mr. Kejriwal can be scheduled for the remainder of the week. Consequently, it is likely that Sunita Kejriwal will have to wait until the following week to meet her husband.
Arvind Kejriwal has been incarcerated since April 1, following his arrest on March 21 in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case.
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