The sports drama “Maidaan,” helmed by director Amit Sharma, continues to dominate the box office charts with its remarkable performance during its second weekend. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh reported that on day 12, the film collected an impressive ₹3.15 crore, contributing to its overall earnings of ₹35.79 crore.
In his comprehensive analysis shared on X (formerly Twitter), Taran Adarsh highlighted the film’s exceptional day-wise collections, surpassing other recent releases such as “#BMCM” and the new titles “#DADP” and “#LSD2.” Despite its success in select urban centers, “Maidaan” still faces challenges in mass pockets, reflecting a mixed response among audiences.
However, the film’s prospects remain promising due to the absence of major releases in the coming weeks, allowing “Maidaan” to maintain its stronghold at the box office. Taran Adarsh emphasized that the lack of competition could provide an extended stay for the film in theaters.
Breaking down the figures for week 2, Taran Adarsh reported that “Maidaan” garnered ₹7.49 crore, bolstering its total earnings to ₹35.79 crore in the Indian market. The film’s journey at the box office reflects a steady climb, with its extended week 1 total reaching ₹28.30 crore.
As “Maidaan” continues to attract audiences with its inspiring storyline and stellar performances, industry experts anticipate further growth in its box office earnings in the weeks ahead.
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