Aamir Khan, the renowned Bollywood actor, is all set to kick off shooting for his upcoming project titled ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’. After his last release ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’, Khan is ready to dive back into work. According to reports, the filming for ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’ is scheduled to commence next month in Delhi.
As per a report published in Hindustan Times, Aamir Khan will be traveling to the National Capital for the shoot of his upcoming film. Sources close to the production revealed that Khan will be accompanied by approximately 11 children for the shoot, with additional cast members yet to be disclosed.
The shooting schedule is slated to span over one month, spanning from May to June. During this period, the children involved in the project will partake in various Paralympic Games, capturing their journey on camera. The filming locations include iconic landmarks across Delhi such as Lal Qila, Lodhi Garden, Purani Dilli, and the Thyagaraj Stadium.
The decision to shoot in multiple locations within Delhi was made to minimize the need for the children to travel extensively to NCR regions, ensuring their comfort and safety throughout the filming process. With preparations in full swing, fans eagerly await the release of ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’, anticipating yet another impactful performance from Aamir Khan.
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