Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his day with prayers at the Dashashwamedh Ghat, situated on the banks of the Ganga in Varanasi, on Tuesday morning. Ahead of filing his nomination papers for the Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency, he performed aarti at the ghat, surrounded by the recitation of Vedic mantras.
Expressing his deep connection with Varanasi, PM Modi shared a heartfelt message on social media, emphasizing the special bond he shares with the city. He is aiming for a third consecutive victory in the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat, which he first won in 2014.
Just a day prior, PM Modi held a vibrant roadshow in Varanasi, promising to continue serving the city fervently in his upcoming term. He later took to social media to express his gratitude for the overwhelming support he received during the roadshow.
Accompanied by several Union ministers, including Amit Shah and Rajnath Singh, as well as chief ministers from BJP and NDA-ruled states, PM Modi is expected to submit his nomination papers at the collectorate today.
The voting for Varanasi is slated for the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha elections, scheduled to take place on June 1st.
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