Thane, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde recently made some strong statements. He said anyone living in India who talks like they’re from Pakistan should be considered traitor. Shinde believes they should be arrested and put in jail. He thinks that opposition leaders like Vijay Wadettiwar and Farooq Abdullah are just frustrated because Prime Minister Narendra Modi is getting popular. Shinde feels these leaders are siding with Pakistan by making such statements.
Shinde also criticized Sharad Pawar, a former Maharashtra Chief Minister and Union minister. He said Pawar didn’t do much for Maharashtra during his time in power. Shinde highlighted the efforts of his own government, especially for farmers. He mentioned that the government is providing financial assistance to farmers and offering them free crop insurance.
Talking about opposition leaders who make statements against India, Shinde said they are supporting Pakistan and speaking in favor of it. He thinks it’s unfortunate, but such people shouldn’t be spared. Shinde firmly believes that those who speak against India should be charged with treason and put in jail.
He questioned the loyalty of those who live in India but praise Pakistan. Shinde expressed his anger towards Farooq Abdullah’s statement questioning whether Pakistan is weak. He believes people like Abdullah should be considered traitors and dealt with accordingly.
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